Meaning - The Williams surname is a patronymic surname of English or Welsh origin, derived from the personal name 'William', meaning 'resolute protector'.
Origin - As a patronymic, like most Welsh surnames, Williams became a surname from the practice of taking someone named 'Owen ap William' (Owen son of William) and upon the adoption of surname, adding an 's' to the father's name to make it the family's fixed surname. So Owen ap William became Owen Williams.
Many of the Williams families in England and Cornwall originally came from Wales.
In Wales, the Williams surname is most frequently found in Caernarvonshire and Gwynedd, in the Northwest of Wales.
In the US, we find Williams most commonly in -
1. Missouri
2. Washington D.C.
3. Virginia
4. Massachusetts
5. North Carolina
Roger Williams - Founder of Rhode Island, formed the first democracy on the continent- 'Old Bill' Williams - Trapper and Western pioneer